Forest schools
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‘’Only when the last river has been polluted, the last tree cut, the last fish caught will man realise that he can not eat money’’…- was written on the front of an Amazonian forest dwellers T-shirt! Which imprinted my brain during a regular health education visit to the area.  This is the desperate truth that motivates ‘Forest Schools’ desire to find methods that will wake up world education to act towards finding solutions for alternative fossil fuel recourses and engaging with our environment and its problem of depleting bio-diverse Eco systems.  Its about acknowledging self-responsibility for the privilege to be alive – rather than the future possibility of being forced to pay taxes on the air we breath.

Forest Schools are an exciting idea!  And one that is easily put into action, if we don’t get too bogged under with descriptions of what they are or who founded ‘the first one’…we basically are born on forest floors, where leaf decay (amongst other elements) has made the earth we walk on and eventually return too…. a beautiful and peaceful concept.  A Forest School for everyone living on the earth to engage in understanding.  It is not an institution, it is beyond anthropocentrism.  Forest Schools re-light our lives towards ‘being responsible for our daily living’, being gentle and nurturing of our environmental foundation, which brings us wellbeing and teaches us to merge communication between ‘us’ and nature.


Affiliated to
"A Ray of Hope UNESCO
Youth Ambassador for the Culture of Peace