Web skills
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Digital Literacy Self-Assessment
2 = YES    |    1 = NOT SURE, BUT LIKELY    |    0 = NO or UNLIKELY
VI. Web Skills 
Have you ever used a browser (Netscape or Internet Explorer)?
Have you ever saved a web page or printed a web page?
Have you ever customized a Web browser (security settings, tool bars, home page, etc)?
Do you know the difference between a "search engine" (eg, Google, AltaVista), subject directory (eg, Scout Report, Yahoo) and a meta-search tool (eg, Dogpile, Ask Jeeves) and know when it is most advantageous to use one over the other?
If you found a site on the Web that you particularly liked, do you know how to easily save that site (bookmark) so you can go back to it later without having to re-enter the entire address?
Do you know how to view, download, decompress and open documents and programs from Internet sites (eg, graphics, HTML, demonstrations of applications, documents, presentation files, PDF files)?
Once you have located data on the Web, do you know how to move it onto the desktop or save it to a folder?
Have you configured your browser so you are able to access UW Libraries' materials (reserve, request items)?
Do you know how to access UW restricted resources when off-campus using the UW Libraries' Proxy Server?
Have you emptied the disk and memory cache on your browser to free up space on the hard drive?
If you scored above 16 points on this section, you probably have the skill level you need.
If you scored between 10 and 15, you seem to have a significant amount of familiarity but we suggest you continue to give yourself opportunities to work with a computer and become even more familiar with that particular aspect**.
If you scored below 10, you need to get additional training and/or practice**.