Special Guest Book
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A Very Special Guest Book


"The commitment of young people and their aspiration to justice and brotherhood - which your Ray of Hope expresses through its own art with so much sensitivity - will strengthen our will to fight for the establishment of a culture of peace..
Dr. Federico Mayor, Director General of UNESCO

"I applaud your achievements and trust that the goodwill ambassadors - The UNESCO youth Ambassadors for the Culture of Peace - will form a potent and determined voice in the affairs of mankind." 
Lord Yehudi Menuhin

"My wife and I have very happy members of meeting A Ray of Hope and we wish the choir every success. The choir's performance during the ceremonies marking the 50th anniversary of UNESCO was a wonderful experience and is recalled by many of those who were privileged to attend.
His Excellency Patrick O'Connor Irish Ambassador to UNESCO

"The choir has already represented Northern Ireland with distinction and this reflects great credit on the schools from which the children are drawn. The Secretary of State is sure that it will continue to show others the very best of Northern Ireland and sends his good wishes for the future."
Sir Patrick Mayhew, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland

"A Ray of Hope and its aspirations arising from the young people of Northern Ireland demonstrates that what they have in common is infinitely greater that anything which may differentiate between them."
Rt. Hon Dr. Brian Mawhinney M.P.

"Congratulations and best wishes."
Her Royal Highness, The Princess Royal.

"I am delighted that our Community Affairs Department could contribute in a small way to your outstanding success."
Sir Ronnie Flanagan Chief Constable Royal Ulster Constabulary

"The international honour awarded by UNESCO to a UK choir is a matter of much pride for all members of the United Nations Association for Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The award UNESCO Youth Ambassador for the Culture of Peace is unique and, thus, a matter of tremendous importance that has come to Northern Ireland."
Mr. Rashid Kareh United Nations Association of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

"I was very touched by the singing of all the children, by the symbolism of the songs, and the strong cross-community bonds of reconciliation and friendship that were evident in A Ray of Hope."
Jacques Santer President of the European Community

"His Holiness wishes you to know that he invokes God's abundant blessings on A Ray of Hope and will remember you in his prayers."
His Holiness Pope John Paul 11

"The Peace Anthology is an inspirational book and everyone associated with the production should be proud. It is my sincere hope that the children who contributed to this book will have a chance to grow up in a province free from violence and hatred. To that end, I have the greatest admiration for the work you are doing."
His Excellency William J. Crowe United States Ambassador to the United Kingdom

"I wish you the very best in your endeavours."
His Excellency Shanker Dayal Sharma President of the Republic of India."

"We have everything to gain from mutual co-operation and understanding and nothing to lose. This is a marvellous effort and I congratulate you all."
Mr. Tony Worthington MP Secretary of State for Education

"Please convey my good wishes to all associated with the endeavour."
Her Excellency Mary Robinson President of Ireland

"We appreciate your kindness and send our best wishes."
Mr. William Clinton President of the United States of America

"The "Ray of Hope" choir is worthy of the warmest congratulations on winning the award of Youth Ambassador for the Culture of Peace. The children and teachers are fine examples of how mutual understanding among our young people can produce very positive results. By spreading the word of peace and reconciliation wherever they perform, they are making their own special contribution towards a more integrated society."
Lord Michael Ancram MP Secretary of State for Education

"I have enjoyed listening to the comments and the music on the CD and would be most grateful if you could convey my appreciation and best wishes to all concerned."
Jeffrey Donaldson MP

"Congratulations on producing this wonderful and moving anthology."
Mr. Bernard Shamlaye Minister of Education and Culture Seychelles

"The anthology is a priceless treasure."
Mr. Josiah Mhlanga Minister Embassy of Zimbabwe