Aims and Objectives
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Aims and Objectives
The Aims and Objectives of A Ray of Hope have developed in tandem with the development of the organisation.They will always remain fluid and contain both long term and short term targets but all are influenced by the ethos of A Ray of Hope.
International Aims.
To promote the ideals of the United Nations and UNESCO.
To profess our belief in the international development of a culture of peace.
To allow our coming together to be as an example.
To assist others in their search for an undivided world.
To use our anthology and album to be as a medium to carry our aspirations.
To support those in need.
To be active members o
f UNESCO Culture of Peace.
To assist others by using the medium of the world wide web.
To organize international art and music festivals / competitions promoting the talents of children everywhere.
National Aims.
To develop the relationships between our schools.
To assist others having the same aspirations.
To promote in children`s minds that diversity leads to enrichment.
To encourage participation by thought and deed.
To develop in children and teachers a greater understanding and mutual respect.
To widen our field of contact throughout the community in which we live.

The  ethos of A Ray of Hope is simply to extend always the hand of friendship and to promote the ethos that diversity of culture is indeed enrichment.

A big thank you to all who have supported us in whatever way.