DIFN perspective
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DIFN profile

  Development Impact For Nigeria [DIFN] is a small UK registered development agency working in mainly the South West geographical zone of Nigeria.

It was set up in 2000 by a few UK based Nigerian professionals. All the UK based trustees are committed to helping develop the human capacity potential of Nigeria through the provision of relevant training and workshops for young people in Nigeria. In doing this we work on the principle of Peer Facilitation, training young adults who in turn will train teenagers in secondary schools.

As such DIFN is fully committed to rolling the Values for Positive Citizenship programme out to as many states of Nigeria as possible.

We also believe in the principle of working in partnership with like minded organisation hence our partnership work with The Ray of Hope Network and NIPRO.

At present DIFN UK is run by its Co-ordinator – Yomi Oloko and 6 other trustees. We all work on a voluntary basis so the funds collected in the UK can go to our work in Nigeria. DIFN is actively seeking to work with all UK based Nigerians wanting to be involved in development work in Nigeria.