

What and Where
Disappearing Rainforests
Rainforest Structure
The Effects
Animals in General
Rainforest insects
Plants and Trees
Fruit and Nuts
Health and Medicine
Teaching Ideas
Children's Poetry
Making a Display
Useful Links
Other Facts
Contact Details

Photograph Album 2007

Associated Schools Project is an important medium to develop relationships  between schools and also as a line of communication from and to UNESCO.  It is also imperative that all Key Stages have projects of study to investigate and topics to develop. Following an inspirational "Disappearing Rainforests'" presentation by the Ulster Museum Staff and partner groups, (Northern Ireland)  it was decided that this topic would be an ideal programme for Key Stage 1 - 3.

It is an amazing fact that although rainforest covers only about 7% of the earth's surface, nearly 50% of the world's plants and animals are found there. It is the biodiversity - the huge number of different plants and animals - which makes studying the rainforest so fascinating, even from a very young age.

In the past 30 years more than 40% of the world's rainforest has been destroyed. At at the current rate of attrition the rainforests have a life expectancy of less than 40 years.

Through education we gain a knowledge and understanding of the importance of rainforests. We discover just how much we depend on rainforests for our everyday lives.

From Members of A Ray of Hope in the Metta Centre Nepal.

Nepal is economically poor but rich in natural beauty. She is world-famous for her natural beauty. The snow-capped mountains, water falls and green forests are her natural resources. The Rain forest and green forest of Nepal is known as her wealth. But people destroying the jungle. The forest should be preserved for the future generation.

There are many advantages of rainforest. It makes the atmosphere fresh. It makes the environment beautiful. Many species of animals, medicinal herbs can be found in the rainforest zone. It can be used for natural treatment. The tourists are attracted with the green forest and rainforest. The rainforest supplies with timber, it helps for rainfall. The roots of the trees go down to great depth and capture the soil tightly. It stops soil erosion.
Man is the main cause of rainforest destruction, they destroy the rainforest for cultivation, settlement and other purposes. They bring modern equipment and their cattle into the forest to graze and cut the trees and kill animals. We must control population growth to prevent rainforest destruction. The local people should be given responsibility and authority to preserve forest. They must be given authority to sue forest resources for their benefit. Besides, deforestration programme should be launched. There must be the provision of punishment to those who destroy the jungle. If so, we can preserve the jungle.